Showing posts with label Chakras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chakras. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2023

Are Chakras Cultural Appropriation?

Are Chakras Cultural Appropriation?

Early in 2022 it was brought to my attention that the way we use Chakras in the Western world is different from the original Chakras.


The word Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit.

Chakras have been around for thousands of years. They have their basis in the Hindu and Buddhist religions. Chakras are part of the Tantric teachings, which you’ve probably heard of as Tantric Yoga, and if you are like me, completely misunderstood what that was about too.


Some Hindi believe that we have culturally appropriated chakras, and some believe that they are an open system, shared by all.

With this in mind, it is important to learn a bit more about the origins before we start using them.

First of all, this wasn’t done maliciously, it was done through miscommunication.

In Hindu and Buddhism there are many chakras and they are not connected to any specific part of the body, nor are they attached to any color, number of petals, essential oils, crystals, etc. They are more fluid and manifest in different ways, in different numbers, depending on the belief system you are using.

How did we end up with the Chakra system we use today?

 Back in 1577 Purnananada Yati wrote Shatchakra Nirupana, loosely translated, An Explanation of the Six Chakras. This included teachings about the six chakras that are in the body and the seventh above the head. He stated that this is just one version of how to use Chakras. He based this off an 13th Century document.

Then in 1918 John Woodroffe translated Yati’s document, but he did a bad job of it and a lot of mistranslation took place. This translation took hold in the Western academic and occult circles.

Carl Jung, one of the early leaders in psychiatry, found this information and became fascinated with how the seven chakras related to consciousness. He wrote extensively on it and it is from his writings that we start to see the seven chakras connected to things like love, sexuality, instinct, and willpower.

 In 1987 Anodea Judith published Wheels of Life, in which she connects each chakra to all the many things we see them connected to now: color, planets, crystals, essential oils, herbs, etc.


In 2019 I began learning about Chakras as I studied Reiki. Chakras are not part of the original Reiki that Dr. Usui taught, but they were later added, and fit very well in the Reiki hand positions.

 I’ve thought about using “Energy Centers” instead of “Chakras” but at this point I’m not sure that everyone would get that I was talking about the Western version of the Chakras when I say “Energy Centers” (and it definitely has a much lower SEO ranking than Chakra), so I’m going to continue using the word Chakra. You’ll need to decide for yourself how you feel about this.


The Western Chakras are very much a part of my spirituality and my energy work. I use them to diagnose where I and my clients are out of alignment, showing me where I need to work.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Simple Introduction to the Seven Chakras

Have you heard about Chakras, but find them confusing?

I did too!

But I was determined to learn about them. Now I can help you learn them too!

The more you understand them, the more you can use them to heal yourself and create the life you really want.

Here's a simple introduction to Chakras.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel. This is a system of seven energy centers located along the spine. Each chakra corresponds to an area of the body, a set of behavioral characteristics, and stages of spiritual growth. 

Each Chakra is associated with a particular body location, a color, a central emotional/behavioral issue, as well as many other personal aspects including identity, goals, rights, etc.


Click here to Learn More about Your Chakras

The seven Chakras are:

  • Crown- top of head, cerebral cortex.
  • Third Eye- brow
  • Throat - throat
  • Heart- heart area
  • Solar Plexus- upper abdomen
  • Sacral - abdomen, genitals, lower back/hip
  • Root - base of the spine

Practicing yoga and focusing your energies during different postures can help you to align your chakras and get all the wheels spinning in the same direction and speed. Understanding how to fine tune and control your chakras through yoga and meditation can help bring balance and peace to your mind, body and spirit. 

Yoga poses for each Chakra are included in the DIY Chakra Card Deck Workshop.

Click here to learn more about the DIY Chakra Card Deck Workshop

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

DIY Chakra Card Deck Workshop

 Hey! Guess what!?!

I got my first e-course finished and it's ready for you to check out!

Click Here to Check it out!

If you've ever wanted to learn about your Chakras and found it to be





Then you really do need to check this one out!

I show you have to make your own card deck 

chock full of Chakra information.

You'll be able to learn it easier.

And you'll have a quick reference handy

for when you can't remember it.

Title: Maximizing Your Time: 10 Speedy Energy Healing Hacks

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